Figuring out how express Pāli concepts directly into Esperanto is going to be interesting at some point. I get the sense that it’s going to be better than English has been. I’ve seen a few that seem to be translations from English. I’m thinking next year. I’m aiming to have Esperanto to intermediate 2 by the end of next month. I’m doing OK I think. I have a 2,000 word vocabulary already. I can express myself in writing reasonably well and can read most things. I’ve got to aural comprehension up though and need more SPEAKING. But in the meantime I’m getting Transmission of Light into Esperanto. Riddled with errors, but getting better. And I’ll have a clean up at the end. Who knows, people might want to read it. The best thing of all is that this whole process really slows down meditating on the dharma in this way.
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