When I was a kid
My father made me take back
Stolen records.
Ever since then I’ve
Been trying to take back
The part of myself that I don’t like
Like they took back
The opinionated guy on current affairs.
At least he had an opinion.
I tried to take back
The wrinkles that betray my age.
I’d like to take back all the plastic in the ocean,
And the warm seas that are killing the coral.
And on the jumble they call the news
I’d like to take back that an elephant’s baby
Is more impressive than the death of an entire species.
And I’d like to take back the Maoris
Who get a prison sentence for a lack of subtlety.
But I do nothing about it.
I’d like to take that back too.
Carl Jung said he’d rather be whole than good.
So I’m going to take back
Lying to myself about being a good Christian,
Or a good Buddhist,
Or trying to change.
On Sunday morning I’m going
To look in the mirror and smile at myself
Just as I am,
For once.