water dripping down
from rusting pipes counting time –
the sun’s morning crown
morning’s hue peeks in
from behind roman blinds- a
fire engine’s scream
on a sandy bay,
sunlight glistens – flax flowers
courting a tui
I remember your hair made grey
From hauling rocks,
And fighting wolves
That came at night for the sheep.
I remember you in dreams,
From a life gone by,
When we were each other’s comfort
And each other’s spice
As the winter evenings
Made us lie together.
I remember learning your tongue
Like a child,
Learning the word for water
And how to say thank you.
The warmth of your breath
On my cheek
On a frosty morning
Before I went out to milk the cows,
Has been long forgotten.
Now I see you again,
We only remember that
We are friends along the way.
afternoon’s amber
light trickles through spring leaves – streets
painted gold and grey
children at lunch watch
the rain falling – a beggar
on an old park bench