

Haiku Song

By |September 26th, 2018|

The wraiths in my mind
Are still fooled by the promise
Of living water.

I am haunted by
Vain promises of selfhood,
Wracked by constant change.

How shall I tell them,
That their desires are untrue,
Chains bound to death’s door.

Where now must I turn?
Where is the eternal spring?
Where the well of joy?

Breathe deeply my friend.
Drink only from the pure truth
That flows from within.

A Mother’s Love

By |September 23rd, 2018|

She has always loved you,
Even brought warm water and cotton cloths
When you were born –
Back then when her lovers cooed with delight.
She brought you hot fires and fresh air
When you were cold and suffocating.
And when you didn’t look a million dollars,
She didn’t judge you.
She didn’t even know what a million dollars looked like.
But she still gave you herbs for your body,
And forests and oceans for your mind.
She only knew that you were born from her womb
And fathered by stars.

Cleaning Up

By |September 21st, 2018|

Last night when I got home
She had swept our love
Under the carpet
And hid our adorations
In the washing basket.
The onions that made me cry were
Perfectly sliced.
The grains of truth
Pressure cooked
Within an inch of their life.
I am an unkind, uncaring, unthoughtful,
Self-obsessed individual.
The biggest mistake she’s ever made.
Too old to be a teenage boy.
It’s time to put away my toys
And grow up now,
Time to vacuum up the words,
I am writing in this poem.

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