Chilli Hit
Slobbing in the lounge
In front of the TV
With wine and pizza
Is not the taste of joy.
I put in too much chilli again.
There it is!
Life’s antidepressant
Has set my world on fire.
Perhaps I should have
Chilli for breakfast
And set fire to the day.
The Forest
You are the acorn, the oak, the table,
The fire, the ash, and the smoke in the sky.
Without beginning or end, I know you:
Sun, rain, soil, forest; you’re all that’s alive.
You are all that I am, all I become,
The unbounded light of the one true eye.
My corpse is feeding the vultures
And bringing new life
For tomorrow.
I know that I will never hear from you again.
That bitter sweet called life
Has unmasked my wanton strife,
And removed the face of being fine.
Pleasure’s magic shroud
Has taunted me that
Every silver lining has a cloud
And made me wonder if it’s too late
To renew my vows chaste, or
Turn the page and start again.
When will this love unmask the ploy,
This want, this promise, that is this joy?
A New Commandment
The Lord thy God smote the Canaanites
And banished the House of Judah
From the land of Israel.
Mighty is thy Lord
And he shall curse seven generations
For the inequities of those who stand against thee.
He shall make fall the driver in front of thee
And the people who block aisles at the supermarket.
Thy god is a jealous god who shall judge
The righteousness of men.
But our Lord is the Lord of Compassion
Who with an all seeing eye
Knows that all hearts are true.
Our lord is the Lord of Gratitude,
Who stops men to smell the roses
And play with children in the rain.
Our lord blesses the checkout operator.
Whose mother is dying in pain.
Ours is the Lord of Peace
Who offers the Kingdom of Heaven within.
The snow did not come.
It was just the wind’s promise
From the Southern Alps.